Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fried Banana with Raspberry & Chocolate Sauce

I made this last night and it was absolutely amazing!!!!! I just made it with what I had on hand, but next time I will make it a little healthier, but I'll let you know what I will change. :)


5 Tbs. flour
1 Tbs. organic sugar
2 Tbs. shredded coconut
1 egg, beaten
1/4 C. almond milk
1-2 bananas, cut into 1/2-inch rounds (I just used one banana for 2 people)
Oil for frying
lactose free vanilla ice cream (next time I will use coconut ice cream)
half of a container of raspberries
agave syrup or honey
organic chocolate syrup

Blend raspberries and a drizzle of agave syrup or honey to make a sauce.

Fill a shallow frying pan with about 1 inch oil and heat over medium until warm. Meanwhile, in a small bowl mix together flour, sugar, coconut, egg and milk until fully incorporated and cake batter like. Roll cut banana rounds in batter and drop into oil until golden (about 1 minute each side).
Remove from pan and place on paper towel to drain. Repeat with remaining rounds.

Spread fried banana pieces around a small plate. Add a scoop of ice cream in the middle. Drizzle the raspberry sauce and chocolate syrup over top. Enjoy!!!

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